October 13, 2020

8.30 am: Autumnal. Off to School:

A promissory:

8.45 am: Into 213 (the double gallery) to set up for the first face-to-face Vocational Practice seminar. The thought of teaching across a classroom divided by a wall had woken me in the night. Delivery, these days, feels like a dream-state in which one is battling against the odds: gagged by a mask (along with the other participants), unable to approach the students (who have to talk very loudly to communicate), and isolated from one another like islands on an archipelago. And yet, we did business; we transcended the limitations of our context. We measured our expectations and learnt to overcome the obstacles.

11.15 am: I ‘ran’ home, cranked up the PC and got ready for online one-to-one tutorials with the MA painters for the remainder of the day. All are settling in. I’d have preferred them to be ensconced in their studio spaces by now, but circumstances higher-up the food change have prevailed. Hopefully, this matter will be remedied soon.

7.30 pm: Computerology. I was making headway with the hitherto intractable file transfer problem. There were now three units whirring away. I bounced between them — deleting, managing, authorising, and trashing.

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October 12, 2020
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October 14, 2020

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