Saturday, August 24, 2019: Work, this day, comprised on-line tutorials on the topic of identifying students who could, potentially, be radicalised. Now Higher Education staff are on the front-line of terrorist prevention (along with mental-health identification and referral, and other pastoral dimensions).
Sunday, August 25, 2019: A family walk (more a climb, in my opinion) up Cadair Idris to Llyn Cau. (I’d not made the assault since 1983.) People returning from the lake passed me on the way, smiling. Clearly, they’d experienced something for which it was worth persevering against the heat, incline, and treacherously slippery rocks and mud. I’d not idea how the terrain before me would pan out. As I approached each turn in the road and brow of the hill, I asked: ‘Is my goal just beyond sight?’ The ascent of a mountain is always a metaphorical journey too, for me – rich in life’s lessons:
Monday, August 26, 2019 (Bank Holiday): Rarely do I observe one-day public holidays. I was still on catch-up with regard to admin. There were more briefings to read and tutorials to undertake – this time with regard to research assessment. One day, I’ve promised myself, life will be simpler and more focussed, I’ll attend to only to that which is absolutely necessary, and the deadlines for completion will be under my control entirely.
Having completed the mix and artwork for The Biblical Record CD, my attention has been directed to completing a full account of my activities to date. This has involved furthering three distinct websites, one for each of the three The Aural Bible releases, and to update the main ‘John Harvey’ website in tandem. An artist would not, I suspect, be expected to give such a comprehensive account of their practice outside of academia:
The ‘Spoken Word‘ site has grown to accommodate recordings of lectures relevant to the trilogy’s sites. This site will, eventually, provide a free, streamable archive of keynote and other conference addresses, as well as public talks, gleaned from recordings made since 2003:
5.00 pm: Enough for a Bank Holiday, with the prospect of an evening’s respite.