February 1, 2021

WFH: DAY 18. 8.00 am: A communion. I enjoy the winter sunrise as it creeps across and hugs the landscape westward towards the face of Pendinas and the rooftops of the town. It’s a reminder that there’s still peace, wholesomeness, and comfort to be found in the world:

8.30 am: I surveyed the landscape of the week ahead. Teaching predominated (as ever, but not forever), with intervals that would permit me to take a serious run at completing the second REF PowerPoint draft and, after, return to the first; catch up on PhD text submissions; and squeeze-in ‘phase 1’ mixing finalisation, at the end of the week. I always work better to a schedule. And, I don’t have to leave my seat for any of it. 8.45 am: Cup of tea #2.

9.00 am: Start. Generating explanatory texts about ‘Phase 1’ of research development for The Biblical Record. (In the background, the seminal jazz guitarist Charlie Christian. He died at only 25 years of age, from tuberculosis.) By lunchtime, the draft of the initial phase was completed.

1.30 pm: On with:

There was material contained in a paper that I’d delivered in London in 2019 on the ‘Beth & Bill’ composition which could be repurposed in the context of the slides. 3.00 pm: Job done. On, then, with the ‘research dissemination’ section.

4.30 pm: I hit the road:

7.30 pm: I ploughed on. The task now seemed endless. Changes and additions to the second implied the same to the first.

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January 30, 2021
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February 3, 2021

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