November 2, 2020

Note to self

All Souls’ Day. 8.30 am: ”Orrible admin’ (being a species of the genus ‘admin’, distinguished by its dispiriting dullness, blunt necessity, futility (in some instances), and proneness to be neglected for as long as conscience will allow). ‘Then do it with vigour and all-speed, John!’, he encouraged. (Groan!) ‘More tea, then, please!’ (In the background: the ‘live stream’ (post-Saturday’s event) recording of the ‘Ysbrydnos/Hallowmas‘ project.) The rains came, passed, came again, and passed again. Blue skies in one window, grey skies in another. (A metaphor.) Brittle on glass: water music:

11.00 am: The handout and PowerPoint files for tomorrow’s Vocational Practice class were prepared. Due to the restrictions we’re now under, and with some of the class being online and others present, a great deal of the lesson material must to be converted into slides that are visible to both constituencies. The fall.

1.15 pm: Following lunch, I made headway facilitating the teaching experience element of Vocational Practice, sourced equipment, and settled down to second-mark an MA Research Project submission. Never, in my experience, has Wales, Scotland, and England felt less like constituent nations and more like separate countries. And, today the notions of nations and countries appear to be becoming synonymous. Cloud banks formed, only to be pulled to pieces by the violence of the high winds. 4.30 pm: I began writing up my report on the project dissertation.

7.30 pm: I completed my report, and caught upon on the evening crop of emails, before updating my CV with entries elated to recent activities. A long day.

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November 3, 2020

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