November 30, 2018

7.30 am: A morning shower; (rare, unless after a run). I’d a bug, temperature, raspy throat, tiredness, shivers, and aches. An early and reasonable night’s sleep was a temporary balm. But I remained significantly under-par on waking, feeling the onset of something significant, and there was much to be done, and the day would be long. (‘Keep-up the fluid intake and pace yourself, John!’) 9.00 am: Studiology. One of the samples consists of a pronounced ‘click’, caused by a scratch on the record, followed immediately by the announcement: ‘six’. On Beth’s and Bill’s inventory of listening, ‘6’ is written following every entry’s date. I’ve not been able to decode the digit’s significance. Its fortuitous inclusion on the sample enabled me to incorporate the number into the composition, discretely. (Some problems solve themselves.)

10.00 am: Respite/pitstop. Since my brain was frazzled by whatever my body was fighting, I played safe and mapped the samples to the beat track – adjusting the length of the loops and playing with on-the-beat and syncopated rhythms. Familiar territory. If you don’t have the presence of mind to build, then, make bricks. By noon, whatever I was suffering, disease-wise had overtaken my resolve. Downed tools, and headed for duvet central until lunchtime. (Not that I’d any appetite).

Throughout the remainder of the day, I drifted from bed to rocking chair to desk.

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November 29, 2018
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December 6, 2018

2 Comments. Leave new

  • Gerry McGandy
    December 2, 2018 6:50 pm

    I have just used the lecture guidelines you have armed us with to prepare my seminar on Activism/ Relational Aesthetics. I could not have articulated my thoughts on this without your tutorship. It took 3 years to prepare me for this level of conversation. Thank you.

    • johnscriptorium
      December 3, 2018 10:31 am

      I think you underestimate your capabilities, Gerry. And, I think you’ve much more to give and discover about yourself. I hope the MA won’t be the end stop of your achievements.


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